Wiener Schnitzel

Wiener schnitzel is one of the words used in several different ways in the Danish language. I know three “meanings”. But don’t you think the two other meanings is actually derived from the first one? I am not that sure either, it’s just a wild guess. The Danish word for wiener schnitzel is Bankekød, and the selection are the three different ways the word wienerschnitzel  is used in the Danish language.

Bankekød is a movie, an action-comedy starred by Clint Eastwood namely “Bankekød til slemme drenge” or in English “Every which way is loose”. But, this site isn’t a review site for mediocre (not just an opinion but a description) film, is it?

Bankekød also is an old game of tag for children in which they would form a patch of kids connected at the back and the last child or the no 20 is to be caught. But this is not also a site for educational ideas for kindergarten teacher right?

wiener schnitzel

So, what really is Bankekød?

Bankekød or in English wiener schnitzel  is a dinner dish made of beef slices that is beaten lightly and fried with laurel leaves and pepper. A tasty, brown sauce is served – made from the foie gras. It can also be served with potato moss – but root vegetables are also good.

Wiener schnitzel Recipe

And that’s it. The definition speaks for the dish pretty well. Wiener schnitzel is not that hard to make but takes plenty of time to do so. The dish also requires quite a few ingredients. But, that could be effaced by the delicious taste that explodes in your tongue once you have tasted it.


Servings:   max. 4 persons

  • 600-800 g of crisp beef
  • 6 tablespoons wheat flour
  • 25 g of margarine
  • 2 onions
  • 4-5 bay leaves
  • 10 whole peppercorns
  • ½ l of boiling water
  • 1 beef broth
  • Food coloring
  • Salt and pepper

How to make Wiener schnitzel

  1. Cut the meat into thin slices about 1-1½ cm thick.
  2. Add approx. 4 tablespoons of flour mixed with salt and pepper.
  3. Put a suitable amount of margarine in a saucepan, melt, and fry the meat on both sides flip until the meat is cook and juices comes out from the meat. Bring more margarine into the pan if necessary.
  4. Take the last meat out of the pan when it is cooked, add the onions and sauté until golden.
  5. Bring the meat back into the pan, pour boiling water until it covers the meat- add extra by the way if necessary – add laurel and peppercorns and simmer for 1 to 1.5 hours until the meat is absolutely tender.
  6. Remove the meat from the pan. Add flour to the sauce and stir.
  7. Add any beef broth and food coloring and season with salt and pepper.
  8. Put the meat back in the pan and serve with mashed potatoes, boiled or steamed vegetables as well as a pickled cucumber or reddish plate.

If there are leftovers, you can mix one or two eggs in the mashed potatoes and make baked mashed potatoes the following day. You can heat the meat in the sauce – possibly in the microwave oven.

Since the dish is made of very lean meats, a good Bordeaux or Chianti Classico wine will make it a perfect restaurant dish.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 1½ hours

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Recipe Name
Wiener schnitzel
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wiener schnitzel

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